An observational study on congenital talipes equinovarus. Talipes Equinovarus.

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Pushpa Goswami
Farhana Rajar
Muhammad Imran Rathore
Nayab Qazi
Bibi Rabia


Introduction: Clubfoot or Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) is a congenital ab-normality characterized by the permanent foot morphological alteration, conse-quently individual is unable to lean the foot properly on the floor in an appropriate physiological manner.
Objective: To execute an observational study on Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) in the Orthopedic Department of Indus Medical College Hospital, Tando Mu-hammad Khan.
Methodology: Study conducted from Jan 2018 to Jan 2019 at Orthopedic Depart-ment of Indus Medical College Hospital, Tando Muhamad Khan. Medial Crease (MC), Curved Lateral Border (CLB), and Lateral Head of Talus (LHT) assessed based on the Mid Foot Contracture Score (MFCS). Also, an assessment of the Posterior Crease (PC), Empty Heel (EH) and Right Equinus (RE) made as part of the Hind-foot Contracture Score (HFCS). Data collected from 100 participants through conven-ience sampling technique and quantitative analysis performed.
Results: Of all participants, Pirani score was calculated from 0 to 1. Scoring is based on the average values. It has been found that the incidence of curved lateral border was 30%, medial crease as 55% and lateral head of talus as 15%. Additionally, it has been found that the empty heel incidence is 35%, posterior crease is 60% and rigid Equinus as 15%. These results reveal that there is a high incidence of CTAV in the given sample.
Conclusion: The study revealed that the exact cause (s) of CTEV are still unknown.

Keywords: Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV), Pirani score, Pediatric Orthope-dic


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How to Cite
Pushpa Goswami, Farhana Rajar, Muhammad Imran Rathore, Nayab Qazi, & Bibi Rabia. (2020). An observational study on congenital talipes equinovarus. JMMC, 10(2), 34-37.
Original Article