Histomorphometric features of oral tumors in Hyderabad, Pakistan.

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Sajjad Ali Almani
Safiya Javed
Raima Kalhoro
Sehar Khowaja
Shumaila Khowaja
Aneera Ashfaq


Introduction: Oral cancers (oral cavity cancers) are the eleventh most commonly occurring cancers globally. The annual incidence of oral cancer is around 0.27 million cases while 0.13 million cases of pharyngeal cancers excluding nasopharynx occurring in developing countries. The incidence and mortality caused by these cancers show variability according to the geographic location in which it is diagnosed.

Objectives: To evaluate the histomorphometric features, tumours arising at oral region, among patients in Isra University, Hyderabad.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Isra University Hyderabad between January 2018 to December 2020. Patients; aged 18 or above of either gender; presented with chronic oral ulcer for ≥ 3 months duration, growth or swelling in the oral cavity were included in the study after taking consent. The morphological and histopathological findings of all the tissues after taking biopsy from the lesion were evaluated and finding recorded in a pre-design proforma.

Results: During study period total 143 biopsies performed; 89(62.2%) were male patients while 54(37.8%) were female patients. Most (39.20%) of the patients belongs to age group of 43-52 years. Most commonly involved tumors location was the buccal mucosa/cavity (34.2%) followed by gums and alveolus (25.2%). Biopsy data after histopathological evaluation revealed that majority of patients were suffering from the squamous cell carcinoma (92.3%). Majority (35.0%) of patients were in stage II of TNM staging while half (50.3%) of the patients were in advance stages (stage III and IV).

Conclusion: Buccal mucosa/cavity is the most common anatomical site for oral carcinoma with predominance of middle age group and male. Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the most prevalent oral cancer with majority of patients presented in advance stages (III and IV) and grade (II) of tumor. 


Keywords: Buccal mucosa, Oral tumors, Squamous cell carcinoma.



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How to Cite
Sajjad Ali Almani, Safiya Javed, Raima Kalhoro, Sehar Khowaja, Shumaila Khowaja, & Aneera Ashfaq. (2022). Histomorphometric features of oral tumors in Hyderabad, Pakistan. JMMC, 12(1), 70-76. https://doi.org/10.62118/jmmc.v12i1.212
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