Role of Beta Blockers and Band Ligation in upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding.

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Luqman Anwar
Urooj Fatima
Madiha Mehmood


Objective: To sort out the combine role of beta blockers and band ligation in upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Methodology: In this prospective observational study 563 patients were included, (mean age 47 ±6 years, males 69%) with liver cirrhosis and deterioration from Medical ward Mayo hospital Lahore. All the patients had cirrhosis and esophageal varices confirmed by endoscopy. In hospital cirrhotic patients with hypertension and liver cell deteriorations. All the record of betablocker use and band ligation was carefully recorded. Data regarding patient presentation and characteristics were keenly monitored and observe with treatment and improvement as major variables. Mortality was taken as major influential factor. Linear regression model was used.

Results: Overall, there were 426 patients getting pharmacological treatment and have band ligation treatment simultaneously. One Hundred and thirty-seven had gastrointestinal bleeding during study time. Standard deviation of patients who had no recurrence of bleeding from last two years was 67±4. Low level of serum albumin, presence of ascites, and treatment with betablockers were the only independent variables that directly influenced the bleeding. The percentage of patients who had only once bleeding during study period was 23±2 percent. The major effects by be ta blockers were preserving after band ligation of source of bleeding.

Conclusion: This study demonstrates that best treatment of bleeding in upper gastrointestinal tract is beta blockers, with the use of b and ligation where it is needed. Strict monitoring and guidelines should be under consideration before stop the beta blockers upper gastrointestinal bleeding patients.

 Keywords: Beta blockers, Band Ligation, Upper Gastrointestinal Tract


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How to Cite
Luqman Anwar, Urooj Fatima, & Madiha Mehmood. (2019). Role of Beta Blockers and Band Ligation in upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding. JMMC, 8(2), 38-40.
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