Impact of Mothers focus group discussions on the Rehabilitation of children with Cerebral Palsy.

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Seema N. Mumtaz
Rahila Ali
Aliya Junaidi


Objective: To determine the effects of generation of mothers focus group discussions in reducing stress on families of children with cerebral palsy(CP).
Study design: Cross sectional focus group survey
Place and duration: Focus group discussions were conducted at the Primary health care center (PHC) situated
in a squatter settlement of Clifton Karachi.
The duration of study was six months.
Subjects and Methods: The researchers selected ten mothers of children with CP between ages of one to ten
years who sought health services at the PHC for focus group discussions. The total of twenty meetings were
arranged during the period of six months. Moderator observed for any change in the group participants regarding
their depression.
Children with CP were identified through history and physical examination. Those suffering from any other form
of disability or chronic disease were excluded from the study.
Data was entered in SPSS version 11. Chi square test of significance was employed.
Results: In the selected group of mothers the strongest predictor of stress was child behavior problem especially related to the burden of caring. Lack of adequate family support (80%), and poor socioeconomic status (90%)
along with lack of both maternal (60 %) and paternal education(40%) were the various factors affecting the
stress. Delay in the development of mile stones(100%) was the primary concern of mothers to seek health services at PHC. Constant worry of child care with anxiety and tension(100%) regarding future of the child was the
primary stress factor.
Conclusion: The researchers feel that if an opportunity is given to parents of children with CP to discuss their
problems and share their experiences, this can reduce the impact of stress to a great extent.
The main outcome following the series of focus group discussions generated by the mothers was that “My child
need empathy, affection, love and care rather than cure”.
Key words: Focus group, cerebral palsy, stress.


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How to Cite
Seema N. Mumtaz, Rahila Ali, & Aliya Junaidi. (2012). Impact of Mothers focus group discussions on the Rehabilitation of children with Cerebral Palsy. JMMC, 3(1), 4-8.
Original Article