Perception about Birth Spacing among Medical Students and their Societies.

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Samoon N.A
Asif M
Awan S.A
Shaikh Z.A


Objectives: The study aimed to identify the perception about Birth Spacing in Medical Students & society.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among Medical students of Fourth Year MBBS. A structured
questionnaire was developed to cover the research objectives. The dependent variable was the knowledge of
Birth Spacing & utilization of contraceptive methods and the socioeconomic variables were the independent variables. Data analysis done using SPSS 17 version.
Results: The results identified the high knowledge level of the participant students regarding the variety of birth
spacing methods. Most participants and their families showed acceptance and in favor to the use of contraceptives for birth spacing. They preferred birth interval of 2–3 years. They intended to have from 2 to 4 children.
There was a significant increase in contraceptive use among working women, 30 years and older, with a higher
level of education, and those having a large number of children. Multiple regression models revealed that the significant determinants of the use of contraceptives were women’s working and education. The study recommended sustained efforts to increase awareness and motivation for proper contraceptive use.
Conclusion: Majority of students and society favors Birth Spacing as its saves the lives of mother and child as
well. Health Education and Behavioral change communication strategies regarding the idea of best possible Birth
Spacing are the need of the day. Pakistan has its own set of unique problems regarding population explosion, its
negative implications and the numerous conglomerates of the problems linked to poverty, increased fertility and
down strengthening economy. The associated advantage of the effects of Optimum Birth Spacing (at least three
years between births) on both the mother’s health as well as the neonate’s health is unquestionable. We need to
focus on this idea in terms of decreasing maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
 B.S. Need of Curriculum
 Organize program to make family planning information & services widely available
 Have immediate result & cost less than others.
 Strong political commitment to culturally sensitive,
FHW visit homes to bring about tremendous increase in F.P.
Spouse should be motivated & informed about optimal Birth interval &spacing timings in order to have optimal
birth interval by adopting efficient contraceptive method with low failure rate.
Keywords: Birth Spacing, Contraceptives, Birth interval, Mothers, Child, safe mother hood.


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How to Cite
Samoon N.A, Asif M, Awan S.A, & Shaikh Z.A. (2013). Perception about Birth Spacing among Medical Students and their Societies. JMMC, 3(2), 42-46.
Original Article