Do you cheat??? Academic Dishonesty among Undergraduate Medical Students.

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Manzoor Hussain
Numan Majeed
Aneela Amber
Sahar Khalid
M Ahsan Rashid


Background: Though doctors are considered to be respectful role models of professionalism and ethics, but
medical students are no strangers to academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is not only an un-ethical behavior, but may also have life threatening consequences.
Aims: Aim of study is to assess the knowledge. Attitude, behavior and practice of undergraduate medical students.
Methodology: The Study was descriptive and cross sectional in nature, questionnaire was self-administered
semi structured and was pilot tested on a sample of 5 students from Muhammad medical college before the final
administration on students from different colleges. Study was carried out in 4 different colleges Punjab medical
college, Quaid-e-Azam medical college, Nishtar medical college and Muhammad medical college of two provinces (Punjab & Sindh) of Pakistan. The sample size taken was 10% population of students from 3rd year to final
year; the response rate was 49%. Data analysis was done using SPSS 17. Ethical approval was taken from our
hospital research ethics committee (NO 140911/REC/045).
Results: Out of 110 students 64.8% admitted that they have dishonest behavior, most of the students said that
they started at MBBS level 39.1%, 19.1% started cheating in under matric classes. Majority 69.6% students said
that they cheated during theory examination. Regarding marking proxy 76.4% students said that they are involved in marking proxy of friends or ask the friends to mark their attendance, while some students 29.3% consider that marking proxy is not an un-ethical thing.46.5% students coping assignments of their friends while 19.8%
students got relaxation from examiner to ask right answers from nearby students.13.7% students used personal
approach during viva examination to get good grades. Amongst those who admitted cheating said that they cheat
only to pass were 87.8% while only 12.2% said they cheated to get gain positions.
Conclusion: Our study reveals that medical dishonesty is practices by many students.
Remarks: academic dishonesty is a very unhealthy habit. Especially in the field of medicine where human lives
are at stake. Appropriate and strict measures should be taken to stop this ill practice.
Keywords: Academic dishonesty, cheating, medical students.


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How to Cite
Manzoor Hussain, Numan Majeed, Aneela Amber, Sahar Khalid, & M Ahsan Rashid. (2012). Do you cheat??? Academic Dishonesty among Undergraduate Medical Students. JMMC, 2(02), 35-37.
Original Article