Importance of Research in Medical Education.

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Syed Razi Muhammad


Research is where we rise above more common sense
to investigate and uncover knowledge. FN kerlinger
defined research in his article “Foundation of Belauoural Research” in 1973 as.
“Systemic, controlled, empirical and vertical investigation of natural Phenomenon guided by Theory and hypothesis about the presumed relations among such
For centuries, teachers have used their knowledge
base and communication skills to lecture the students
and considered those lectures as the basic instrument
to develop good doctors.
However as “Evidence based practice” has stormed the
world of medicine medical education could not escape
its effects either. Now the small world of medical education requires both the gathering of evidence and its critical interpretation. The former is bringing more medical
educationalists into the practice of research and the
latter is requiring all the medical educationalists the
ability to evaluate the research carried out the slogan of
“Publish or perish has not spared the world of medical
education either.
Although the specialty of research in medical education
is just over 3.5 decades old when a small group of clinicians and medical researchers started it at the medical
school in buffalo, New York, yet it has contributed substantially in understanding the learning process. The
medical education community is much more aware of
evidence in educational decision making than ever before. Now important educational decisions can not be
made on the basis of persuasion or policies as people
will demand evidence to guide educational decision
making. Research has changed the mind and attitude
of medical educational community.


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How to Cite
Syed Razi Muhammad. (2012). Importance of Research in Medical Education. JMMC, 2(02), 24.