Qualitative Research.

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Syed Razi Muhammad


Qualitative research is the preferred method of research
in most setting, so much that when we talk of research,
most people presume that we are referring to quantitative research. It has been claimed that:
"The almost sole recognition given to quantitative methods has trained students inadequately, established
flawed standards of practice and research, and delayed
the development of essential medical knowledge....
When qualitative methods are clearly established in our
research repertoire, the advance of medical knowledge
w i l l b e g r e a t l y a c c e l e r a t e d " . 1
However in social sciences and in areas like a third
world country where most issues are unexplored, phenomena un-understood and questions unanswered,
qualitative research, which has become more popular
since the 1970s can be really helpful as it is particularly
directed on:
1. Exploring issues
2. Understanding phenomena
3. Answering Questions


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How to Cite
Syed Razi Muhammad. (2013). Qualitative Research. JMMC, 4(1), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.62118/jmmc.v4i1.413