Using Cognitive Constructivism In Planning Lesson.

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Syed Razi Muhammad
Syed Fatima Muhammad


This lesson plan is for teaching medical undergraduates
a specific topic, providing the students a structure under
which the learning process will unfold (Wilson, 1981).
Constructivist approach has proved to behelpful for long
term and deep learning, treating knowledge as something discovered, as indiscovery learning (Dewey,
1916/1997, Piaget, 1954, 1973) andusing props to trigger association of ideas. New knowledge is about making a relationship between what is known and what is
being learnt (Resnick& Ford, 1981). In fact, most constructivist strategies are excellent for learning clinical
knowledge. A good strategy for developing the clinician
mind-set is case based instruction, a constructivist strategy (Savin Baden & Major, 2004).
I use several strategies that make the lesson plan internally consistent with constructivist learning. These include small group learning, enhanced discovery learning, problem based learning, project based learning and
step by step discussion with thinking time. At the end of
the session there will be an assignment given, encouraging reflection and advising the student to summarize
the constructed learning.
The flow of the lesson should attempt to steer the learners in a direction which allows them to gradually reach
new knowledge in a way that is “progressively constructed” (Papert, 2000).
An additional role that can beincluded in planning the
lessoncan be reached by understanding of the role metacognition plays in expert learners (Nickerson, 1985,
Nilson, 2010). Studies show that conveying information
on how to integrate reflection with this kind of learning is
vital. This would not only be limited to individual reflection, but also to “team processing” (Savin-Baden and
Major, 2004) leading to a co-operative understanding of
what has been learned.


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How to Cite
Syed Razi Muhammad, & Syed Fatima Muhammad. (2013). Using Cognitive Constructivism In Planning Lesson. JMMC, 4(1), 33-36.
Review Article