Two testicles in left inguinal region: An unusual presentation of Polyorchidism.

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Muhammad Rahim Bhurgri
Mehtab Rahim Bhurgri
Fareed Ahmed Bhurgri
Noaman Ali Bagrani


We present a case of 1-year old boy who presented with left undescended testis and hernia. The testis on right side was normally placed. During surgery 2 testicle each with separate epididymis and vasa deferentia.


Keywords: Undescended double testes, Orchidopexy, Herniotomy.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Rahim Bhurgri, Mehtab Rahim Bhurgri, Fareed Ahmed Bhurgri, & Noaman Ali Bagrani. (2019). Two testicles in left inguinal region: An unusual presentation of Polyorchidism. JMMC, 9(1), 53-54.
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