23 February 2023 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Muhammad Medical College Auditorim Event

Keeping up the old and established tradition, Muhammad Medical College, Mirpurkhas held their 17th successive Annual Medical Seminar at its Razia Ali Muhammad Auditorium. It was a special seminar this year as it was the first since up gradation of the institution to University – under the name of Ibn-e- Sina University.

The program started with recitation of Holy Quran followed by Naat-e- Rasool (SAWW). The first speaker was invited to do a talk on Ischemic Heart Disease –Management outside a tertiary centre.Professor Faish Hashmi of Isra University, Hyderabad delivered the talk. He took the audience through the definitions, diagnostic methods and treatment of these conditions – both invasive and non-invasive.

He explained the importance of correctly recognizing these conditions, which are the number one killer of human race.Professor Beka Ram of Liaquat University talked about diabetes mellitus. The focus of his talk was on recent advances in the management of type 2 Diabetes mellitus. He made a very brief summary of this extensive topic, and also invited the faculty and students of Muhammad Medical College to forthcoming seminar of Society of Internal medicine. Professor Saima, Head of Pulmonology department of Isra University then took the task of explaining the clinical differences of similar looking diseases of Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) and overlap (ACOS) of these two. Neurologist Dr. Shaheen talked on “Are all strokes the same”. He described various types of strokes, how to differentiate between them and their clinical and prognostic values.Professor Syed Zafar Abbas then discussed ascites in cirrhosis, with particular emphasis on its management in less resourceful countries. He had come from UK to deliver an intensive course in Gastroenterology to final year students, which was well received. Chancellor of the new Ibn-e-Sina University,Professor Syed Razi Muhammad gave a brief talk on involvement of Surgeons in the management of Cholestatic jaundice. He emphasized on the importance of system development, and close working relationships of all clinical teams for the best possible management of patients. The seminar ended with the Vice Chancellor Professor Shamsul Arfeen Khan giving a vote of thanks to audience, which comprised of doctors of all levels from within Muhammad Medical College Hospital and City doctors, as well as final year medical students.